12 events found.
Ladies Christmas Party
Bring a Christmas pick up or dessert to share. Bring a $15-$20 gift if you want to play the gift exchange game. We will have a devotion, games etc. Contact […]
Wednesday Night Kingdom Seekers
____________ - Kitchen Jody - Babies-Pre-K Stephanie - K-5th Grades Mike - 6th-12th Grades
Wednesday Night Worship & Kingdom Seekers
Doris - Kitchen Carolina - Babies Kayla - K-5th grades Levi - 6th- 12th Grades
Wednesday Night Worship & Kingdom Seekers
Lou - Kitchen Ann - Babies Lexi - K-5th Grades Jamie - 6th-12th Grades
Wednesday Night Kingdom Seekers
Debbie - Kitchen Joni - Babies-Pre-K Kelly - K-5th Grades Levi - 6th-12th Grades
Youth Association Meeting @ Way of the Cross FWB
Rev. Nathan Jennings Wear church attire.