Springwood Church has one mission: Lead others to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Since 1964 we have been doing our best to spread the gospel here in our community as well around the globe through supporting missionaries. We pray that God will continue to use our congregation to reach lost souls.
When you visit with us we will do our best to express the love of Christ and make you feel welcome with a handshake and a friendly greeting. During the service, you will see our passion, hear our praise and experience God’s presence as we cry out to God in sincere prayer for the lost, sick and afflicted and the condition of our country. We are sure that you’ll hear some songs that you can sing along to. It is a mix with traditional hymns as well as some contemporary songs. The preaching is deeply rooted in the Word of God and will challenge you as well as encourage you to live a life that is pleasing to God.

We desire to be a church that has something to help each member of the family, from the youngest to the eldest. Here’s what we have to offer:
Sunday School – 9:45
Nursery Class- Birth – 3 years of age
Beginner Class- 4 years of age -1st grade
Primary Class- 2nd grade – 5th grade
Girls Class- 6th grade – 12th grade
Boys Class- 6th grade – 12th grade
Young Adult Class –
Women’s Class –
Adult’s Class-
First Sunday of each month we have at 4:30:
Ladies Auxiliary
Guitar class for all ages
Third Sunday at 4:30
Adult Choir Practice
Fourth Sunday at 4:30
Youth Choir Practice
They sing in every Sunday night service.
Fifth Sunday Morning is Youth Sunday where they teach Sunday School classes and fill various offices in the service.
The Young at Heart (ages 55 and over) don’t have a set time but meet often.
No matter what your Christian background is (or isn’t), we hope that you’ll come and join us this Sunday. Everyone is welcome!